The Waning Gibbous Moon - Energy, Symbolism & Correspondences
Updated: Apr 28, 2024
After gratitude comes acceptance and learning.

The Waning Gibbous Moon happens between the Full Moon and the Last Quarter Moon.
The Phases of the Moon
Waning Gibbous Moon
Last Quarter Moon
Waning Crescent Moon
The Waning Gibbous Moon
The days following a Full Moon can be a strange time for us, we are either coming down from celebrating achievements or we are trying to work out what was holding us back.
This week is all about looking at those obstacles, the places we hold ourselves back, the fears that stop us from saying yes or showing up authentically.
It an opportunity for us to dig a little deeper in to our shadow work and begin to uncover the reasons that we might not be going in the direction that we want. This opens the door for forgiveness, either of ourselves or others.
Even if we have gotten to the stage of manifesting a desire, it's still good practice to drop into our practices and checking in with any negative mindsets we might have picked up along the way.
Forgiveness during the next week is key to using this phase of the moon for your highest good. What do you need to forgive?
Yoga for the Waning Gibbous Moon

I love to align my yoga practice with the phases of the moon, nature and the zodiac.
Poses for the Waning Gibbous Moon
Balasana - Child's Pose
Supta Matsyendrasana - Reclined Twist
Banana Pose
Uttanasana - Ragdoll Pose
Savasana - Corpse Pose
Crystals for the Waning Gibbous Moon
Black Obsidian
Smoky Quartz
Snowflake Obsidian
Aromatherapy for the Waning Gibbous Moon

Clary Sage
Herbs for the Waning Gibbous Moon

Lemon Balm
White Sage
Join our Moon Courses!
Until next time, stay magical
Emma xx