The Last Quarter Moon - Energy, Symbolism & Correspondences
Updated: Apr 28, 2024
The Last Quarter Moon marks the final phase of the moon cycle, it's time to let go.
The Last Quarter Moon is the last major aspect before we arrive back at the New Moon.
The Phases of the Moon
Last Quarter Moon
Waning Crescent Moon
The Last Quarter Moon
We have now reached the final phases of the monthly moon cycle. With this Last Quarter Moon we practice letting go.
It is an extremely important phase as the work we do at the Last Quarter Moon and the week leading up to the New Moon will set us up for starting the new cycle feeling fresh and ready to manifest.
Letting go means releasing attachment to the outcomes of the things we are manifesting. If we try and manifest out of need or lack, we are putting the wrong energy out into the Universe. It is only by releasing and letting go, being ok with any outcome, that we truly move from a place of trust and flow.
Yoga for the Last Quarter Moon
I love to align my yoga practice with the phases of the moon, nature and the zodiac.
Poses for the Last Quarter Moon
Parivrtta Utkatasana - Twisted Chair Pose
Parivrtta Anjaneyasana - Revolved Crescent Lunge
Paschimottanasana - Seated Forward Bend
Uttana Shishosana - Puppy Pose
Setu Bandhasana - Supported Bridge Pose
Crystals for the Last Quarter Moon
Black Obsidian
Black Tourmaline
Snowflake Obsidian
Smoky Quartz
Aromatherapy for the Last Quarter Moon
Herbs for the Last Quarter Moon
Lemon Balm
Join our Moon Courses!
Until next time, stay magical
Emma xx