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Books I Read in May 2024: My Ratings and Reviews

What I read and which was my favourite read of May?

What I Read in May 2024

Welcome to all the books I read in May 2024. May was a slower reading month for me, there's been so much going on from birthdays to being involved backstage at a production of Dogfight, there's not been a huge amount of time for my books. What I did read though I have really enjoyed, it's been a really good month for finding gems!

I rate my books from 1-5 and my "ratings" look like this...

5 - Absolutely Obsessed - Reserved for the books I'm adding to my will re-read forever list

4 - Loved it!

3 - Really enjoyed it

2 - Meh, was ok I guess

1 - No - Only reserved for books I couldn't finish

Always remember that ratings are just my personal opinion and have no reflection on the actual book. Let's go!

The Books I Read in May 2024

The Atlas Six - Olivie Blake

My Rating - 4

This book is fantastic, honestly... I'm giving it a 4 star right now but it could get bumped to a 5 depending on how the rest of the trilogy pans out.

I wasn't sure about some of the characters at first, but by the end of the book I was completely in love with them all and all for very different reasons. I still have many questions, which I assume will be plots for the next 2 books.

I really loved the magic system and how each person developed their abilities throughout, and the mystery of the school and more importantly Atlas himself.

Favourite Quote

“The problem with knowledge, is its inexhaustible craving. the more of it you have, the less you feel you know”

Throne of Glass - Sarah J Mass

My Rating - 4

I really enjoyed this and I am very excited to read the rest of this series, I'm giving a solid 4 stars right now but I'm reserving the right to amend that depending on how the following books go!

I feel as if this book is laying a lot of foundations for things to come, but also had enough to keep me completely engaged the whole way through. I loved the suspense of who and what was behind everything, which had me switching from character to character quicker than I could count.

Well, the door is officially open on the Maasverse now... no point in stopping here!

Favourite Quote

“Libraries were full of ideas—perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons.”

Voyage of the Damned - Frances White

My Rating - 4

This was so surprisingly wonderful, I picked this up at the library and didn't know anything about it going in... it was a pretty cover and intriguing title so I brought it home.

So we have the blessed of the 12 provinces of Concordia on their voyage to the temple of the Goddess, a ritual that has been passed through generations.

Only this time, someone has died on board and it's down to one of the "lower" provinces to figure out what is happening aboard the ship.

What I really loved about this was the reluctant hero, his actions are purely motivated by love and not power or recognition. His journey through the book is one of finding his own worth in a world he didn't think he had any, he wasn't already trained in combat or the strongest person in the room at any time. He does things because he's protecting his friends.

Favourite Quote

"Sometimes all it takes is one person to make you believe you're worthy of something. Even all the power in the Universe."

Belonging - Toko-pa Turner

My Rating - 2

I really wanted to like this book, honestly I did. My only wish is that I had picked up the physical copy rather than the audio book, which is why I've had to give it a 2 star rather than a 3.

I just could not get on with the voice and reading style, it was incredibly slow and breathy and it was really not for me.

The content however, I think I took a lot from it but probably missed some really good stuff while I was struggling through the audio, I felt the themes of grief were comforting for me to hear right now and it may have been more profound had I been reading the physical book instead.

Favourite Quote

“Grief is the honour we pay to that which is dear to us.”

The Evil Queen - Gena Showalter

My Rating - 4

What happens if fairy tales are prophecies and you might be the Evil Queen?

This story was so so good, the struggle between choice and fate, good and evil. I always know when a story has me in its grip when I want to drop everything else to continue the read... and this was one of those times.

Favourite Quote

"Every hero is a villain, and every villain is a hero. It just depends on who you ask."

Stone Blind - Natalie Haynes

My Rating - 3

I didn't love this and mostly because I was expecting a story told from Medusa's point of view. Where as very little of the book is actually about Medusa herself.

We had many POV's in order to get the story to the final scenes, and then the author says "but you already know what happens..." which was a little bit of a let down for me because the story could have been told without all the back and forth if we already knew why everyone else was doing what they were doing.

Other than that, I always enjoy a retelling and a different take on myths and fairy tales.

Favourite Quote

“You can't prove what you believe,' she said. 'You can only believe it.”

The Complete Guide To Astrology - Louise Edington

The Complete Guide To Astrology - Louise Edington

My Rating - 3

There was some good information in this book, lots of different ways of looking at Astrology.

I really liked the houses breakdown, it was a really good overview of the energy as well as the breakdown of some of the asteroids.

Are you adding any of these books to your TBR?

Stay magical

Emma xx

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Emma Lycett The Ritual Witch

Emma Lycett | The Ritual Witch

Emma is a Yoga Teacher, Moon Manifestor, Spiritual Coach, Reiki & Massage Therapist.

Emma offers yoga classes & events in Cannock, as well as an online Ritual Coven dedicated to supporting others with their spiritual practices

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