Child's Pose
Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Your wrists should be directly under your shoulders, and your knees under your hips.
Bring your big toes together and separate your knees about hip-width apart. You can adjust the distance between your knees based on your comfort.
Exhale and sit back on your heels. As you do this, lengthen your spine forward and down, lowering your chest towards the mat.
Extend your arms in front of you, reaching them out as far as you can. Your palms should be on the mat, and your forehead can rest on the ground. Alternatively, you can bring your arms alongside your body with your palms facing up.
Allow your entire body to relax in this pose. Let your hips sink toward your heels, and feel a gentle stretch in your lower back, hips, and thighs.
Breathe deeply and slowly. Inhale through your nose, filling your lungs, and exhale through your mouth. Allow the breath to bring a sense of calm and relaxation to your body.
Stay in Child's Pose for as long as you feel comfortable. It's a restorative pose, so you can hold it for a few breaths or several minutes, depending on your needs.
To come out of the pose, gently walk your hands back toward your body, lifting your torso. Sit back on your heels and return to a tabletop position.
Relaxes the Mind and Body
Stretches the Lower Back
Eases Hip Discomfort
Stretches the Thighs and Ankles
Encourages Deep Breathing
Relieves Neck and Shoulder Tension
Improves Digestion
Rests the Heart
Balances Energy
Stretching Muscles
Erector Spinae
Gluteus Maximus
Latissimus Dorsi
Warm Up Poses
Marjaryasana-Bitilasana / Cat-Cow Stretch
Adho Mukha Svanasana / Downward Facing Dog
Child's Pose with Side Stretch
Uttana Shishosana / Puppy Pose
Paschimottanasana / Seated Forward Bend
Parsva Balasana / Thread the Needle
Knee pain or a recent knee injury
Severe digestive issues, such as hernias or recent abdominal surgery
High Blood Pressure
ankle issues or injuries
Eye or Ear Infections
Recent Hip Injury
Recent Foot or Toe Injury
Strengthening Muscles
Follow Up Poses
Paschimottanasana / Seated Forward Bend
Supta Baddha Konasana / Reclining Bound Angle Pose
Child's Pose with Side Stretch
Viparita Karani / Legs Up the Wall Pose
Supta Matsyendrasana / Supine Spinal Twist
Savasana / Corpse Pose
In the context of yoga philosophy, the child is often seen as a symbol of simplicity, trust, and surrender. Child's Pose can be seen as a physical manifestation of surrendering to the present moment, letting go of tension, and returning to a state of simplicity and humility. The pose encourages practitioners to release the ego, connect with their breath, and experience a sense of inner peace.
Chakra - Sacral Chakra
Moon Phases - New Moon
Using Props
If you have knee discomfort, you can place a blanket or a folded yoga mat under your knees for extra support.
If your forehead doesn't reach the mat, you can place a block or a folded towel under your forehead for support.
Extended Child's Pose
Thread the Needle Child's Pose
Wide-Knee Child's Pose
Anahatasana / Puppy Pose
Supported Child's Pose
Child's Pose with Arms by the Sides
Child's Pose Twist
Baby Dragon Pose
Child's Pose with Chest Opener
Child's Pose on Elbows
Using the Breath
Coordinate your breath with the movement of your body. Inhale as you lengthen your spine, and exhale as you fold forward.
Focus on the elongation of your spine. Feel the gentle stretch along the length of your back as you reach your arms forward and lower your chest towards the mat.